For over one hundred years the most successful of physicists working in the field of quantum mechanics have argued about the nature of the so called measurement problem described by a mathematical equation thats predicts how a particle behaves prior to measurement. What follows rather astonishingly is a particle in more than one place at the same time, but when it is observed or measured the particle becomes fixed in space and time, in other words no longer in multiple locations. Now Einstein did not like this description of reality one jot arguing that some details or variables must be missing prior to measurement. However, when a Northern Irish physicist by the name of Bell introduced three rather than two dimensions into his calculations, now known as Bells Theorem, he proved that there were no hidden variables contrary to Einstein's claim. Moreover, in 2022 the Nobel prize for physics was awarded to Messrs Aspect, Clauser and Zeilinger for groundbreaking experiments with entangled photons confirming the same. Sir Roger Penrose, another Nobel Prize winner of physics, rallying to the Einsteinian cause said recently (2024) on You Tube that quantum mechanics (QM) is no longer incomplete but rather more serious: it is incorrect. Without evidence to the contrary rather than disparage QM's standard interpretation, Wolgang Smith has argued physicists cannot understand the reality of the measurement problem because they rule out ontological explanations that diasagree with their Democratian Weltanschauung (worldview).
Perhaps, the earliest understanding of the measurement problem is found in 13th - 15th Century BC Exodus 3:14. "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." God places Himself beyond space and time. He places His creation in space and time.
4th Century BC Aristotle, Plato's pupil, explored the nature and dualism of potentiality (potency) and actuality (act), and how these concepts relate to change and existence. Again, this alludes to an understanding of the measurement problem. The particle that multi-locates according to the mathamatics is 'potentia' that instantaneously becomes 'act' when a measurement is made.
13th Century Acquinas takes up Aristotle's potency to act or put another way potentiality to action and attributes to them the reality that comes from Almighty God instantaneously creating the corporeal world in which there is life and being.
Charles Darwin used the system of inference to the best explanation for his theory of evolution by natural selection. This method involves accepting a hypothesis because it provides the best explanation for the available evidence compared to alternative hypotheses. Darwin's extensive observations and data collection led him to conclude that natural selection was the best explanation for the diversity of life and the adaptation of species.
The reign of quantity is coming to an end. It's no longer credible to write off mankind as made of matter and energy usurping the pre-enlightenment understanding of human beings made in the image and likeness of their creator.
Now Christians can be even more hopeful that their prayers have been answered to reverse the decline of young people and future generations turning their backs on the faith owing to the findings of science. In fact the reverse is the case that science and religion when contrasted and compared objectively are reconciliable and far from being at war.
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