Of consciousness, Wolgang Smith has said: 'Well I think the topic of consciousness is obviously very central, very major and I want to have to say I think can best be described as being the very opposite of what is nowadays in vogue regarding the subject of consciousness because I am persuaded that instead of coming somehow up from the bottom by some process of evolution it is ultimately in the final count [that which] used to be called a nomen Dei (to the name of God). It is actually rooted in divinity itself and by way of explication let me mention that the oldest intellectual tradition in the world is unquestionably the Vedic and in the Vedic tradition consciousness is indeed a nomen Dei(to the name of God) and it is part of the Sanskrit (refined/perfected) word Satchidananda. [Sat - (existence) or being; Chit - Consciousness or (awareness) and Ananda - bliss or (joy)]. So being, consciousness and bliss are so to speak the three aspects or faces if you will of the divinity; the very very first principle and I honestly believe there is no other way of really understanding it.'
Dr. Roger Penrose, a renowned physicist, argues that consciousness cannot be fully explained by computational processes alone. He believes that the human mind's rich and complex nature goes beyond what can be achieved through algorithms and computations.
Dr Penrose argues that understanding consciousness requires a major shift in our understanding of the physical world, particularly in the realm of quantum mechanics .
In essence, Dr Penrose's view challenges the idea that consciousness can be replicated by machines or artificial intelligence, as he believes it involves deeper, non-computational phenomena.
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